How Much Is Real Estate Commission?


When buying or selling a home, there are many costs associated with the process. From mortgages and property taxes to closing fees, there are a variety of expenses to consider. Among these, one of the biggest is Realtor commissions. These fees are a percentage of the sales price that are paid to real estate agents for their services.

In 2022, the average Realtor commission was 5.37 percent of the sales price. However, this amount can vary based on a number of factors, including location, market conditions, and the agent and brokerage you choose to work with.

Typically, when selling a property in New York City, real estate commissions are split between the listing agent and the buyer’s agent. Usually, this equals to about 6% of the sale price of the property. This means that if you are selling your home for $400,000, you will pay a total of about $24,000 in Realtor commissions.

In some cases, the seller’s broker may negotiate with the buyer’s agent to receive a lower portion of the commission than usual. This is often referred to as a “buyer broker rebate.” Nevertheless, even in states where these rebates are legal, few home buyers request them and they rarely occur. More info


The answer to how much is real estate commission depends on a variety of factors, but the most important is your local market. In the US, Realtor commission rates tend to be higher in more expensive markets, such as the Southern California real estate market. This is because it takes more money to sell homes in these markets, so the commissions are higher to compensate agents for their efforts.

Additionally, the typical rate varies based on the type of home and its condition. For example, the commission rate for a single-family home is typically less than that of an apartment building.

As the housing market continues to recover, we’re seeing a decline in average real estate commission rates in New York City. This is due to increased competition on the listing agent side from flat fee MLS listing services like Hauseit, and on the buyer’s agent side through the legalization of buyer rebates in New York City.


Since NYC real estate transaction data is only made public once a deal closes, it’s hard for potential sellers to know what the average commission rate is in NYC. In addition, NYC listing agents are often reluctant to publicly share their own commission rates with others as this can be seen as collusion and price-fixing.

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